Blue Crowned Conures for Sale


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The Blue Crown Conure is one of the sweetest and most laid-back of the entire Conure group. Of course, individuals often dramatically vary in temperament and disposition, and much depends on how they are socialized as babies and their various human interactions. The Blue Crown Conure has proven itself to be well suited for human companionship as a good-natured pet.

Blue Crown Conures are mostly green, with dull blue coloring on the forehead, crown, cheeks, and ears. Around each eye, the bird has a ring of white featherless skin, and the breast feathers usually have yellow-green coloring. The tail feathers are green on top, maroon to red-brown on the underside.

Temperament & Behavior

Blue-crowned conures have gentle and affectionate characteristics and like to interact with their owners as much as possible. They are, however, prone to screaming loudly, which can annoy your neighbors and indeed yourself. They rarely become aggressive and are not prone to biting. If they get on the verge of aggression, taking a cue from the body language and preemptive pacification is not much of a hassle.
The blue-crowned has the best talking ability among the conures. However, its efficacy is moderate at best compared to other parrot species.
Because of their playful nature, they can be easily trained to do tricks, albeit with some positive reinforcement.

Caring for the Blue-crowned Conure

This is not a bird you should plan to leave confined to a cage all of the time. The blue-crowned conure is a highly social bird that spends its time in a flock when in the wild. In captivity, you will need to serve the function of its flock mate.

If you are not around much during the day, a blue-crowned conure may be happier when it has another bird as a companion. It may also be happier if you leave a television or radio playing when the bird is alone in the house.

Conures are unique parrots in that they like to snuggle underthings, such as a tightly woven washcloth, a soft piece of fabric, or a small blanket. It might even want a bird tent as a place to sleep.

In the wild, conures bathe daily. In captivity, they need a bath at least weekly and more often if possible. Frequent bathing will keep the feathers and skin healthy. Wet your bird under a spray mist of lukewarm water; it counts as interaction time with your pet.

Feeding Blue-crowned Conure

In the wild, blue-crowned conures typically feast on a varied diet of fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts, berries, and grains.

Conures in captivity need an equally varied diet consisting of fresh fruits, vegetable greens, and high-quality pellets. Pellets should be about 75 percent of their diet. Offer about a 1/4 cup of pellets a day and watch how much your parrot consumes. Offer more if necessary. Most conures eat about 20 percent of their body weight. Pet conures fed a high-fat diet of only seeds, and nuts often have health issues.

Offer fresh foods once or twice a day. Give them as much as they will eat. Remove the uneaten foods after the feeding period. Early morning is usually the most active meal time; these diurnal birds are generally hungry after a long night’s rest. You can also try feeding again right before dusk. Birds in the wild naturally forage for a final meal before they tuck in for the night.


Blue Crowned Conures are very affectionate, social creatures. They bond strongly with the owner, who treats them well and gives them the attention they crave. In addition, blue-crowned conures rarely bite, which makes them a suitable pet for families with children.

Blue Crowned Conures are definitely one of the cuddliest and cutest breeds in the whole family, and they are also one of the best pet parrots you can get. These cute conures are popular pets thanks to their cuddly, fun, and affectionate nature.

These playful, cuddly, and affectionate little parrots are some of the best and most popular representatives of the Conure family. One of the cuddlier conures, these affectionate parrots will love to bond and snuggle with their favorite person in the house.


If you have questions about Blue Crowned Conures or any others available, please call us for more pictures, videos, and information.

If you would like additional information about these beautiful Blue Crowned Conures, please give us a call or email us!

Additional information


3 to 5 months old, 6 to 9 months old, 1 year to 2 Years old

DNA Sexed

Male, Female


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