Pineapple Colored Conures for Sale


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Pineapple conures are among the quietest pet birds you can get. You can comfortably live with them in an apartment without worrying about disturbing your neighbors. Nonetheless, their quiet nature does not mean that the conures are boring. They are rather playful and love spending time with their owners.

The temperament of Pineapple Conure is a bit relaxed and fun-filled. They are extremely interactive and full of life, which is evident from their playful behavior. They do not come across as true Conures for their quiet nature, making them perfect for people looking to own a Conure for their personality traits but aren’t ready to bear the loudness.

Being clownish is their second nature. They have a unique way of shaking and dancing to entertain people around them, adding to everyone’s amusement. Though Pineapple Conures have some individual personality differences, they all become aggressive if not given enough cuddles. They usually want their owners to rub their necks, tummy, and head. In return, these little birdies climb through their owner’s hair and pockets to snuggle close to them.

The Pineapple Green-cheeked Conure is a favorite among bird novices because of its small stature, temperament, and relatively low noise level, at least compared to its larger cousins. The Pineapple Colored Conures is a little clown, always full of antics. Ideally, the minimum cage size for this bird would be 25″ long, 21″ wide, and 29″ high with ½” wire spacing.

we focus on education, nutrition, and conservation. We work very hard to help educate our customers on parrot companionship. Before taking a bird home, we will provide information on proper housing, creating a safe environment, diet, behavior, hormones, and much more. No question will go unanswered.


Pineapple Colored Conures are intelligent and loving, making them great companions as pets. These Conures roll on their back for playing or sleeping and enjoy being scratched by their owner. The young Pineapple Conures are a bit nippy and might bite their owners. Still, such behavior can be cured using proper training.

Pineapple Colored Conures can be a good option for people who have never owned a bird before. They’re small, have an affectionate temperament, like to be taught tricks and played with, and don’t make too much noise.

While they have friendly, affectionate personalities, they’re prone to biting and must be trained from a young age. Pineapple green cheek conures are small parrots, reaching only 10 inches. However, they enjoy spending time with their owners and are comical birds that fool around in their cages.


Additional information


3 to 5 months old, 6 to 9 months old, 1 year to 2 Years old

DNA Sexed

Male, Female


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