Turquoise Green Cheek Conures is a South American species of parrot known for its playful behavior. The small bird is a complete entertaining package itself, providing its owner with endless fun and joy. Usually, these birds are good as pets, but as with every bird, there are some pros and cons attached to raising one, so think twice before adopting a green cheek conure, especially if you live in an apartment.
A hanging cage sizing 24″W x 24″Dx 30″H along with a metal bar spacing of ½” is its ideal home. Choose a place where natural light and air have good access. Make sure there are some perches with a length of 9” and a diameter of ½,” cage swings, and ladders inside the cage. They are the best toys and equipment your conure can have. Moreover, the perches will help in beak grinding and nail shaping.
Also, place a metal grate and a dropping tray underneath the cage to keep both the cage and its dweller clean and far from getting contaminated from the waste.
For nesting, prepare a cardboard nesting box-sizing 15” X 15” X5” and fill the surface with shredded papers.
Personality and behavior
This bird enjoys the association of its owner and kids in the house. This will keep you amused for a long time with an urge to show several tricks like lying on its back, hanging from the cage, head bobbing, kissing, acrobatics, dancing, and singing. Some green-cheeked conures love to be petted often. Usually, this bird enjoys living in a pair, but housing with a bird of different species is not appreciated. Talking is not its forte, but since it receives training well, a few individuals can say some words. It also takes pleasure in foraging toys and simulation activities.
It often shows its discontent by puffing up its back, requiring immediate attention afterward.
Turquoise Green Cheek Conures can be potty trained easily as it wiggles its butt, lowers the head, and keeps on lifting the wings before pooping so, whenever you see such body language, choose a word to utter. Now repeatedly do this for several days and make the bird recognize that whenever you say the word, it is time to go to the potty. This way, it will not poop over your shirt whenever you place it on your shoulder.
Its weaning age starts from 8 to 12 weeks. Give your conure its favorite fresh vegetables, fruits (strawberries, bananas, lemon, and orange), and fortified seeds every day. Occasional treats, not high in fat and sugar, will also do. Pellet-based diets are also recommended for these birds. Avocado and chocolate are to be avoided as they create toxicity in the birds.
Interacting with your bird elevates its mood and keeps boredom at bay. You have to be careful about its movements, especially when it is outside the cage, as the intelligent bird can unlock stuff, causing minor wounds on their body in the process. Attending to its every need is the only mantra to flourish the bond between you and the bird.
You must keep the cage, water, and food bowl clean. Always provide chlorine-free and filtered water to bathe your pet. Clipping flight feathers from professionals is also necessary.
Turquoise Green Cheek Conures are a popular option for pets. They are suitable for owners of any experience level. In addition, taming and training are not particularly challenging because of their good nature.
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