Blue Front Amazons for Sale


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Blue-fronted Amazon parrots are among the best-talking birds kept as pets. They have brilliant colorings, and each bird has distinct feather patterns to go along with its extroverted personality. Known as comedians and feathered show-offs, they are entertaining birds. They enjoy spending time with their human flock, which is why they make excellent pets. This bird is a larger parrot, so you will need to provide it with lots of room and your dedicated time.

The blue-fronted Amazon is a highly sociable and extrovert species of parrot originating in South America. It has worldwide popularity as a pet and companion bird.

The blue-fronted Amazon bird makes a fine choice for a companion or pet because of its friendly nature, entertaining ways, and longevity.


Since the blue-fronted Amazon is such a playful bird and can stay for hours on its own, the cage it is kept in should be spacious enough so that it can move around unimpeded. The ideal dimensions for the cage should be 24x20x20 inches. Give your plenty of toys to play with, and you can leave it by itself for a few hours without it ever spending a solitary dull moment. A proper nest box should be provided during the breeding season.

Perches made of coarse and rough material should be provided to help them perch better; it is also good for their feet and legs. Putting a few concrete perches can save both yourself and your bird the ordeal of having its nails filed.

Temperament and Behavior

The blue-front is an extremely friendly, fun-loving bird that does as well in human interactions as it does in interactions with other birds and even other pets. Male blue-fronts do tend to get a little aggressive during the breeding season, but never enough to worry the owner. However, they do have a powerful bite, so make sure you train it well enough that it can calm down at the utterance of a certain word or phrase.

They are very protective of their owner and will do a dive bomb attack on anybody it perceives as a threat to their master.


A pet blue-fronted Amazon enjoys a varied diet; this can include a seed mix or dietary pellets, fresh fruits, and vegetables. They do enjoy occasional chicken treats. A couple of things that are a strict no-no for the blue-front are avocado and chocolate. Both these edibles are highly toxic for the bird, as indeed they are to any member of the parrot family.


A well-trained blue-front will let you know when it is time for him to take his bath, and it will even tell you how you should bathe him. You can choose to spray it with fresh, clean water, or you may choose to spray it with aloe vera.

The cage requires daily maintenance as far as cleaning the water bowl and food dishes go. Weekly chores include cleaning the perches and washing the toys. The floors of the cage should be washed and cleaned every other week.

Another thing to note is that your blue-fronted Amazon will molt its feathers periodically, with the frequency depending on the environment it is kept in and the natural light it gets. During this time, it will become less friendly and sociable, being rather nervous and defensive instead. Give your bird enough time and support as it deals with its molting.

Additional information


3 to 5 months old, 6 to 9 months old, 1 year to 2 Years old

DNA Sexed

Male, Female


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