Moustached Parakeets for Sale
Mustached parakeets, alternatively spelled moustached parakeets are parrots found in islands of Indonesia, South Asia, and Indochina. There are several subspecies of this bird and one of the most widespread species of their genus.
These beautiful birds make great pets and as such are rather popular. Their talking ability, gentle disposition, and overall friendly personality have gotten many pet-seekers lining up at pet stores and breeders to get one of these darlings.
A small macaw cage might be the best housing you can provide your mustached parakeet with, as they have a somewhat elongated tail. The minimum size of the cage should be 3’x2’x3’. Do not make two individuals share the cage; even keeping different genders can cause problems as females dominate males. Provide toys for the bird’s enrichment. It is advisable to keep breeding pairs in an outdoor aviary.
As previously mentioned, mustached parakeets have a jocund disposition, especially when hand-fed from a young age. They are rather curious, energetic, social, and active birds who adore the time they get to spend with their owners. They tend to get needy when they feel they are not getting enough attention from their owners. Adolescent mustached parakeets are sometimes prone to get aggressive, often nipping, lunging, and biting their owners, but this eventually goes away with age.
They are not very fussy about what they are given to eat. Give them a varied diet consisting of a seed mixture and a high-quality pellet formula. You can also feed them any healthy food that you consume yourself.
Replace the dirty food bowls and water dishes every day with clean ones. The floor of the enclosure should be cleaned every alternate week while the toys and perches must be cleaned every week. The entire enclosure needs to be disinfected at least once every year.
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